Submission deadline for Thesis:
27 May 2024
12 PM (noon)
bound copy submitted in person
electronic version uploaded to the e-learning platform
Content and Layout Requirements of the Thesis and Thesis Defence
for Urban Systems Engineering MSc at the
Faculty of Engineering, University of Debrecen
Thesis layout
- Font: Times New Roman, Arial Narrow or Arial (or similar)
- Font size (body text): 12
- Line spacing: 1.5
- Minimum number of pages: 60
- Maximum number of pages: 120 (including printed appendices)
The electronic version of the thesis must be copied to a DVD, which may also contain additional appendices to the thesis (e.g. drawings, posters, detailed results of numeric tests/ measurements, presentation, etc.) The presentation may also be included on the DVD if it is ready.
Please note that the presentation should be sent to the Department (csmoni@eng.unideb.hu) no later than TBA.
The thesis must contain the following:
- Thesis Sheet containing the descriptions of the tasks to be completed (the main part of the Thesis Topic Announcement Form)
- A one-page abstract
- A table of contents and bibliography
- Documents related to the completed tasks, as well as calculations, and data carriers (CD). In case of a design/drawing task, a preparatory study should also be included. In case of a research task, a literature review should be included, which may not take up more than 30% of the thesis.
- In case of drawings, a list of drawings along with the drawing annexes
- Consultation Sheet, which contains the sub-tasks assigned by the supervisor, the verification of the completed sub-tasks, and any modifications to the thesis
- An original bound copy and an electronic copy (DVD) must be compiled from the listed components of the thesis. The Department will return the bound copy after the thesis defence.
- The word THESIS should be inscribed on the cover page, the student’s name and the year of submission should be in the lower right-hand corner. The spine should contain the student’s name and the year of submission.
- The Department stores the theses electronically (DVD). The bound copy is returned to the student after the thesis defence.
- The DVD must contain the following (in PDF format):
- the whole thesis
- all appendices (calculations, designs, etc.)
- one-page abstract (scanned)
- Thesis Sheet (scanned)
- Plagiarism Declaration (scanned)
- Confidentiality Agreement (scanned) – if necessary
- Consultation Sheet (scanned)
- Thesis Review Report by the external supervisor (scanned)
- The contents of the electronic copy and the bound copy must be identical. The Department will take it into account any differences during evaluation.
- Preferred file formats: Word (doc; docx); Excel (xls), MathCad (mcd), AutoCad (dwg, dxf), Adobe (pdf).
- The department requests a one-page abstract as a Word document, which is meant to describe the main points of the thesis. The Department will make the abstracts searchable on a server.
Thesis defence:
The student describes his/her thesis topic covering the related preliminary studies and analyses. He/she also elaborates on the concept and problem-solving methods followed. Students also have to prepare a PowerPoint presentation as well as one or two posters (size A1, 840x594 mm) as visual aids (max. 20 minutes).
The internal/external opponent (opponents) outlines (outline) their criticism to which the student must respond (max. 5 minutes). Leading instructors competent in the various fields related to the thesis may make remarks in connection with their field and may raise complex questions which the student must answer (max. 5 minutes). The thesis defence is about 30 minutes long including the introduction, the questions and the answers. Thus, the recommended maximum number of slides in the presentation is 20-25.