International Scientific Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering

The 5 th International Scientific Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering.


On behalf of the ISCAME Scientific and Organizing Committee I am pleased to welcome you to Debrecen for the 5 th International Scientific Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering organized by the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering of the University of Debrecen.

The main goal of ISCAME is to yearly bring together engineers working on research, development and practical application in the field of mechanical engineering. Furthermore, the purpose of this Conference is to provide opportunities for scientists and engineers to meet and to discuss current research, new concepts and ideas and establish possibilities for future collaborations in all aspects of mechanical engineering.

I am pleased to inform you that 135 experts from higher education have registered for this year’s conference from altogether 8 countries. In the framework of ISCAME 87 presentations will be given and 36 posters will be exhibited. The topic of this year ISCAME plenary session will be Materials Science. I am honored to announce that 4 internationally recognized Hungarian speakers (Prof. Zoltán KOLOZSVÁRY, Prof. Imre ORBULOV, Prof. Miklós TISZA, Prof. László TÓTH) of whom 3 were born in Debrecen will hold the interesting lectures. We invite you to be an active participant in this Conference and to contribute to any topic of your scientific interest. We hope that the 5 th International Scientific Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering will have an important impact on the research in all topics included in its programme.

It is also an honour for us to have a privilege to invite you to the 5 th Mechanical Engineering Industrial Exhibition. The Faculty of Engineering of the University of Debrecen will host – parallel to ISCAME – the event, called “Industry Days in Debrecen” where 46 companies – 30 of which as partners of the Department of Mechanical Engineering – will exhibit. The list of our exhibiting partners can be found at the end of the programme booklet. This professional programme will surely benefit the visitors who want to get up-to-date knowledge with the latest technology.

We want to express our appreciation to all members of the committees involved in the preparation of this Conference and to all the staff who are managing the different aspects of the Conference and to all the contributing authors and participants who will create the real Conference. We hope that all of you feel awarded for your participation and contribution.

ISCAME 2017 programme

Tamás Mankovits

Chair of ISCAME

Head of Department Department of Mechanical Engineering

Faculty of Engineering, University of Debrecen

Legutóbbi frissítés: 2022. 07. 22. 13:40