According to Rules and Regulations of the University of Debrecen students have to complete optional (elective) courses during their Bachelor or Master training. Optional subjects can be completed in any semester.
You can see in the following table (and in the curriculum of your program) how many credit points you have to gain by completing optional subjects.
Major | Credits total | Credits of optional subjects |
Civil Engineering BSc | 240 | 12 |
Mechanical Engineering BSc | 210 | 10 |
Mechatronics Engineering BSc | 210 | 10 |
Professional Pilot BSc | 210 | 10 |
Vehicle Engineering BSc | 210 | 10 |
Engineering Management MSc | 120 | 6 |
Mechanical Engineering MSc | 120 | 6 |
Mechatronical Engineering MSc | 120 | 6 |
Urban Systems Engineering MSc | 120 | 6 |
Environmental Engineering MSc | 120 | 6 |
1. There are basically 5 groups of subjects which you can complete as optional courses:
Please go to Subjects > Register for subjects, select the current term , and the option "All other subjects in the institution", write to subject name: Foundations, click on "List subjects" and you will see it listed. As the course is not opened by our Faculty we don't have further information about it or about joining it later.
2. Hungarian language
Details of the Hungarian language courses are here.
3. If you would like to widen your knowledge in the engineering field and you are interested in other majors which the Faculty of Engineering offers in English, you can register for some courses from our BSc or MSc programs. These subjects do not require special field-specific knowledge, but could be useful and interesting for all engineering students. These courses are open according to the particular curriculum of the training program, therefore there is no restriction on the minimum number of applicants. Please note! The credit points which can be gained by completing these courses as optional ones are always 3 even if the normal credit point assigned to them is higher. The contact hours (can be more than 2 hours per week) can be found in the curriculum of the particular program.
Important! As these courses are not included in your curriculum, you cannot find them on Neptun. Please contact your administrator in the International Office (room 123, 124 or 206), they will register you for the course.
Course descriptions are available here:
4. You can choose optional courses also from other faculties of the university. These can be found on Neptun under “All other subjects in the institution”. You need to know that certain courses can be seen on Neptun but are not open for students from other faculties or have prerequisites. Course codes of the Faculty of Engineering start either with MF... or MK...
5. Please note that there is the possibility for students who take part in mobility programs to transfer courses completed abroad as optional subjects if they are not equivalent to any other subjects in the curriculum. If you plan to go abroad, you will most likely have subjects from this period of time as optional subjects.
If you plan to continue your studies on a Master’s program and you are considering choosing an another major (for example Mechatronical Engineering MSc after Mechanical Engineering BSc), it is recommended to ask the Department which subjects would prepare you for your MSc studies so that those courses can be completed as optional subjects during your BSc studies.
To the attention of transfer students! The subjects from your previous studies which have not been recognized as compulsory subjects can be transferred as optional subjects. In this case the “Credit transfer request form” should be filled out.