Main research topics of the Department
Entrepreneurship researches, competency measurements, defining development opportunities, Quality management and its relation to organizational culture.
Responsible for the research: Prof. Dr. Edit Szűcs;
Investment in human capital, return on education;
Labour market investigations, tax burden analysis, Investigating the economic intervention of the state and its impact, Investigating macroeconomic impacts of state involvement. Corporate performance management.
Responsible for the research: Judit T. Kiss PhD.;
IT supported Business Process Improvement: Streamlined the business processes, in which we find the technique using various quality processes errors and to specify corrective actions. Examine the grant of the effectiveness of corrective action - simulation and statistical methods.
Responsible for the research: István Budai PhD.;
Aspects of organizational culture - its impact on innovation, change management, motivation, communication
Responsible for the research: Andrea Matkó PhD.;
Creating a simulation-based process development tool to produce high quality products
Responsible for the research: Balázs Kocsi;
The main objective of the research is to find connection between higher education institution’s leadership and competitiveness of institutions. The aim is to explore the competences that a higher education institution should have in order to enhance the organization's competitiveness.
Responsible for the research: Tibor Balla;
Examination of risk assessment methods used in quality management systems through case studies
Responsible for the research: Attila Halczman;
Legal culture of rural people. To point out that rural people are not well educated in the world of law, and find solutions to the problem.
Responsible for the research: Noémi Bíró Siposné PhD.;
Production system optimization with operation tools and fuzzy logic.
Responsible for the research: László Pusztai;
Shortage of experts and its effects on construction.
Responsible for the research: Róbert Sztányi;
Intercultural communication and communication skills, in the present day global and social context.
ESP for Environmental Management
Responsible for the research: Kata Anna Váró PhD.;
Mapping the eligibility, legal environment, distribution of today’s micro and mobile houses
Responsible for the research: Emil Varga;
Risk, Risk management, Project risk management, Accounting, Renewable energy risk management
Responsible for the research: Tünde Jenei;
Current top research projects of the Department
- EFOP-3.6.1-16-2016-00022 “Debrecen Venture Catapult Program"
- EFOP-3.4.3-16-2016-00021 „A Debreceni Egyetem fejlesztése a felsőfokú oktatás minőségének és hozzáférhetőségének együttes javítása érdekében”
- EFOP-3.4.4-16-2017-00023 "Az mtmi szakokra való bekerülést elősegítő innovatív programok megvalósítása a debreceni egyetem vonzáskörzetében"
- EFOP-3.5.1-16-2017-00007 „Duális képzések fejlesztése a Debreceni Egyetemen (DDE)”
Projects from the last 5 years
- TÁMOP-4.1.1.C-12/KONV-2012-0013 Integrált szervezeti és komplex felső oktatási szolgáltatások, valamint képzések fejlesztése a versenyképes Debreceni Egyetemért (Versenyképes Debreceni Egyetem)
- TÁMOP 4.1.1.C-12/1/KONV Zöld Energia Felsőoktatási Együttműködés.
- TÁMOP 4.1.1.F/2013 Munkaerő-piaci igényeknek megfelelő gyakorlat orientált képzések, szolgáltatások a Debreceni Egyetemen Élelmiszeripar, Gépészet, Informatika, Turisztika és Vendéglátás területén (Munkaalapú tudás a Debreceni Egyetem oktatásában)
- HURO/1101/191/2.2.1 Romanian-Hungarian Research Platform for Smart Materials Project Support
Responsible person: István Budai PhD.;