ALUMNI - Faculty of Engineering

Dear Graduated Students,

The University has an extended alumni association with all the former students of any majors, but it includes mostly Hungarian ones. Our aim is to organize an alumni community for all those who graduated on the English programs of the Faculty of Engineering.

The University of Debrecen's alumni programme aims to bring together graduates and provide an opportunity to keep in touch with their former alma mater and the wider student community with whom they studied, belonging to a professional community. This will enable graduates to follow the professional progress and careers of their peers, as well as the educational, scientific and professional work of the university.

The University also provides information on new educational programmes and academic events, helps graduates to organise professional and community events (e.g. group and class reunions), and promotes active professional and personal networking between graduates, current students, academics and employers. It can also serve as a potential participatory base for the organisation and delivery of various training courses.

The registration for the Faculty of Engineering Alumni membership is available here.

The Alumni page of the University of Debrecen can be found here

Last update: 2024. 06. 28. 17:59