Name of training program | Mechanical Engineering Master’s Program |
Specialization available |
Production Engineering Specialization |
Field | Engineering |
Level | Graduate |
Qualification | Mechanical Engineer |
Mode of attendance | Full-time |
Faculty | Faculty of Engineering |
Program coordinator | Dr Tamás Mankovits, Associate Professor |
Person in charge of the specialization | Dr Tamás Mankovits, Associate Professor |
Program length | 4 semesters |
Credits total | 120 |
Aim of the degree program is to train mechanical engineers who are able to work out, model, design, operate, control and maintain mechanical systems and processes; develop engineering technologies and processes, new materials and manufacturing technologies, apply them in an energy-efficient and environmentally conscious way; complete leadership, control and organisational tasks; complete tasks of engineering development, research, design and innovation; participate in and control national and international engineering projects. The degree offers the opportunity to further study at PhD level.
Professional competencies to be acquired
- knowledge
- He/she knows the general and specific principles, rules, relations and procedures pertaining to mathematics, natural- and social sciences necessary to work in the field of engineering.
- He/she has an in-depth understanding of global social and economic processes.
- He/she knows theories, relations, terminology of fundamental importance in the engineering field.
- He/she knows and understands basic principles, borderlines of the epistemic and functional system of the engineering field and the expected directions of development, innovation.
- He/she knows terminology, main regulations and aspects of other areas of vital importance (primarily that of logistics, management, environmental protection, quality assurance, information technology, law, economics, work- and fire safety, industrial safety) relating to the engineering field.
- He/she has a detailed knowledge and understanding of mechanisms of knowledge acquisition and methods for data collection, their ethical barriers and problem-solving techniques.
- He/she has an in-depth knowledge of the main characteristics and application areas of structural materials used in the field of mechanical engineering.
- He/she has a detailed knowledge of the rules of preparing engineering documentation.
- He/she knows the organisational devices and methods pertaining to leadership, legal regulations in the professional field.
- He/she has knowledge of measurement techniques and theory relating to mechanical engineering.
- He/she knows information and communication technologies relating to the field of mechanical engineering.
- He/she knows devices and methods of computer modelling and simulation in relation to the field of mechanical engineering.
- He/she has an in-depth theoretical and practical knowledge including knowledge in methodology to design, manufacture, operate and control complex mechanical systems and processes.
- He/she has an in-depth knowledge of the methods used in machine, system and process design in the field of mechanical engineering.
- abilities
- He/she is capable of the practical application of the acquired general and specific principles, rules, relations, processes relating to mathematics and natural- and social sciences in order to solve problems emerging in the engineering field.
- By problem-solving he/she is able to use theories and terminology of the engineering field in an innovative way.
- He/she is capable of approaching and solving specific problems emerging in the professional field in manifold interdisciplinary ways.
- By problem-solving he/she is able to promote cooperation between representatives of the related fields.
- By applying modern knowledge acquisition and data collection methods he/she is able to innovatively solve specific engineering problems emerging in the professional field
- He/she is able to apply information and communication technologies and methods to solve engineering problems.
- He/she is ready to publish, make presentations and hold discussions in his/her professional field in his/her mother tongue and at least one foreign language.
- He/she is able to complete leadership tasks followed by the required practical experience.
- He/she is capable of the laboratory study and analysis of the materials used in the field of mechanical engineering, the assessment and documentation of research results.
- He/she is ready to process and systematize information gained through the operation of mechanical systems and processes, make analyses, draw conclusions.
- He/she is able to add genuine ideas to the knowledge base of the field of mechanical engineering.
- He/she is capable of the application of integrated skills from the following fields: machines, mechanical engineering devices, systems and processes, engineering materials and technologies, electronics, informatics.
- He/she is capable of the acquisition of the global design of complex systems on the basis of system-based and process-oriented way of thinking.
- He/she is capable of the complex design and management of the application of engineering, economic, environmental and human resources.
- He/she is capable of the application and further development of processes, models, information technologies used in the design, organisation and operation of mechanical systems and processes.
- He/she is prepared for the quality assurance of mechanical systems, technologies and processes, solving tasks of measurement technique and process control.
- He/she is capable of creative problem-handling, flexibly solving complex tasks, has the commitment to life-long learning, variety and value-orientedness.
- attitude
- He/she is open and sensitive to get acquainted with, accept and genuinely convey the professional and technological development and innovation undergoing in the engineering field.
- He/she undertakes the professional and ethical value system relating to the engineering field.
- He/she endeavours to contribute to the development of new methods and devices in connection with the engineering field. He/she has a strong sense of vocation.
- He/she endeavours to continuously improve his/her and his/her co-workers’ knowledge through self- and further education.
- He/she endeavours to comply with and make others comply with the ethical principles of work and organisational culture.
- He/she endeavours to comply with and make others comply with the requirements of quality.
- He/she endeavours to organise and complete tasks by meeting the expectations of environmental-consciousness, health-consciousness and sustainability.
- He/she endeavours to acquire profound and in-depth education.
- He/she endeavours to meet the requirements of sustainability and energy-efficiency.
- He/she endeavours to design and complete tasks individually or in teamwork at a professionally high level.
- He/she endeavours to work according to system-based and process-oriented way of thinking characterized by a complex approach.
- During his/her work he/she is investigating the possibility of achieving aims in research, development and innovation and endeavours to realise them.
- Having acquired engineering skills he/she endeavours to become familiar with the observable phenomena as thoroughly as he/she can, describe and explain their principles.
- He/she is committed to high-level work of quality, he/she sets an example to his/her co-workers through displaying this attitude.
- He/she is committed to enriching the field of mechanical engineering by new ideas and research results.
- He/she participates in research and development projects related to the field of mechanical engineering. To achieve the aims he/she applies his/her theoretical and practical knowledge, skills in cooperation with the members of the research and development group.
- He/she is committed to health and safety at work, and health improvement.
- autonomy and responsibility
- He/she shares his/her knowledge and experience with representatives of his/her professional field in formal, non-formal and informal ways of information exchange.
- He/she evaluates his/her inferiors’ work, facilitates professional development through his/her critical remarks.
- He/she is able to solve engineering tasks on his/her own.
- He/she takes the initiative in solving engineering tasks.
- He/she takes responsibility for sub-processes under his/her control.
- He/she is able to individually make decisions in his/her field.
- He/she educates his/her co-workers and inferiors to take responsibility and show ethical behaviour in their professional field.
- He/she individually takes the initiative in solving problems related to his/her professional field.
- He/she assumes responsibility for sustainability, health and safety at work and environmental-consciousness.
- He/she is careful before individually making decisions in consultation with representatives from diverse fields (primarily that of law, economics, energy management, environmental protection). He/she takes responsibility for his/her decisions.
- When making decisions he/she considers principles and applicability of environmental protection; quality assurance; consumer protection; product responsibility; equal rights to accessibility; basic principles of health and safety at work; technological, economic and legal regulations; ethics in engineering.
Last update:
2024. 02. 15. 15:08