Name of training program | Mechanical Engineering Bachelor’s Program |
Specialization available |
Field | Engineering |
Level | Undergraduate |
Qualification | Mechanical Engineer |
Mode of attendance | Full-time |
Faculty | Faculty of Engineering |
Program coordinator | Dr Tamás Mankovits, Associate Professor |
Person in charge of the specialization | Building Services Engineering Specialization: Dr Tünde Kalmár, Associate Professor Automotive Production Process Control Specialization: Dr Tamás Mankovits, Associate Professor Operation and Maintenance Specialization: Dr Zsolt Tiba, College Professor |
Program length | 7 semesters |
Credits total | 210 |
Professional competencies to be acquired
- knowledge
- He/she expansively knows basic facts, directions and borderlines of the subject area of the engineering field.
- He/she knows general and specific principles, rules, relations, procedures of mathematics, natural and social sciences necessary to work in the engineering field.
- He/she knows the conceptual system, the most essential relations and theories relating to the professional field.
- He/she expansively knows the epistemic and problem-solving methods of the main theories of his/her professional field.
- He/she expansively knows fundamentals of economic, entrepreneurial and legal rules and devices.
- He/she thoroughly knows the structural materials applied in the field of mechanical engineering, means of manufacturing, conditions on their applications.
- He/she fundamentally knows principles and means of machine design, procedures and operating processes of machine manufacturing, control techniques and operating processes.
- He/she expansively knows the operating principles and structural units of machine tools and prime movers, engineering facilities, devices.
- He/she has user-level knowledge of measurement procedures, their tools, devices, measurement facilities used in mechanical engineering.
- He/she has user-level knowledge of the requirements from the field of work- and fire safety, industrial safety, occupational health relating to his professional field and the regulations of environmental protection.
- He/she thoroughly knows fundamentals, borderlines and requirements of the professional fields of logistics, management, environmental protection, quality assurance, information technology, law and economics which are closely related to the field of mechanical engineering.
- He/she expansively knows learning, knowledge acquisition, data collection methods, including ethical challenges and problem-solving techniques from the field of mechanical engineering.
- He/she knows the means and methods of corporate finance and cost-profit-oriented analysis based on engineering grounds.
- He/she is capable of interpreting, characterizing, and modelling the structural units of mechanical systems, the structure and operation of their elements, the form and relationship of the applied system elements.
- He/she is capable of applying calculation and modelling principles and means relating to product, procedure and technological design in engineering.
- abilities
He/she is capable of
- the basic analysis of disciplines which make up the epistemic system of the engineering field, clearly formulating relationships and adequate evaluation.
- applying the most important terminology, theories, procedures of the given engineering field when completing the relevant tasks.
- planning, organising and completing self-study.
- the identification of routine problems emerging in his/her professional field, solving them by detecting and formulating theoretical and practical background and the practical application of standard operations.
- understanding and using the literature, computer and library sources of his/her professional field.
- solving tasks in his/her professional field by using the acquired computer skills.
- creating fundamental models of engineering systems and processes.
- efficiently handling resources at his/her workplace by using his/her skills in a creative way.
- using and considering industrial safety, fire safety, hygienic rules, regulations.
- oral and written communication in a professionally adequate manner in his/her mother tongue and at least one foreign language.
- applying engineering regulations relating to the operation of mechanical systems, principles and economical relations of installing and operating machines, mechanical systems.
- monitoring and controlling manufacturing processes by taking into account the elements of quality assurance and its regulations.
- diagnosing mechanical failures, selecting preventive mechanisms, solving machine repair technologies.
- attitude
- He/she undertakes and represents the social role of his/her profession genuinely, his/her basic relationship to the world.
- He/she is open to learn and accept professional, technological improvement and innovation in his/her profession and convey it genuinely.
- He/she aspires to realize one of his/her aims as a means of his/her self-education.
- He/she makes a decision in complex and unexpected decision cases by completely taking into account legal and ethical norms.
- He/she aspires to solve problems preferably in cooperation with others.
- He/she aspires to have a continuous self-education in the field of mechanical engineering which should be in accordance with his/her professional endeavours.
- He/she aspires to solve tasks, make leadership decisions by taking into account his/her co-workers’ opinion and cooperating with them.
- He/she has the perseverance and can endure the monotony of work to complete practical tasks.
- He/she is open to use IT devices, aspires to become familiar with and apply pieces of software from the field of mechanical engineering, he/she knows and can use at least one such software at user level .
- He/she is open and sensitive to applying new, modern and innovative procedures, methods pertaining to ecological management and health-consciousness.
- By applying the acquired engineering skills he/she aspires to get acquainted with the perceptible phenomena in the most thorough way, describe and explain their principles.
- During his/her work he/she considers and make his/her co-workers consider the requirements of safety at work, health protection, environmental protection, quality assurance and monitoring.
- autonomy and responsibility
- Even in unexpected decision-making situations he/she is capable of considering complex, fundamental questions from his/her professional field and elaborating them on the basis of the given sources.
- He/she confesses and represents the value system of the engineering profession with responsibility. He/she is open to critical remarks which are professionally well-founded.
- During completing his/her professional tasks he/she is cooperating with experts from other professional fields (primarily that of engineering but also economics and law).
- He/she detects deficiencies of the applied technologies, risks of the processes and initiates the reduction of taking measures to reduce them.
- He/she keeps track of changes relating to legal, technical, technological and administrative changes of his/her professional field.
- Per instruction of his/her superior he/she is supervising the work of personnel he/she is in charge of, monitoring the operation of machines and facilities.
- He/she is evaluating the efficiency, successfulness and safety of his/her inferiors’ work.
- He/she keeps track of facilitating the professional development of his/her co-workers, assists them with such endeavours by applying the principle of equal rights to accessibility.
- He/she shares experience with his/her co-workers to support their development.
- He/she takes the responsibility for the consequences of his/her engineering calculations, suggestions based on these calculations and his/her decisions.