The Ambassador of the United Arab Emirates Visited the Faculty of Engineering

The Ambassador of the United Arab Emirates to Hungary, His Excellency Saud Al-Shamsi, recently visited the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Debrecen, where he discussed potential future collaborative initiatives with the faculty leaders.

His advisor, Dr. Kristóf István Láng, accompanied the ambassador to the meeting. Highlighting the potential for cooperation, the ambassador emphasized the importance of proactivity and personal presence. "I believe that in addition to official meetings, engaging in joint activities and personal presence at large-scale gatherings where representatives from the government, science, academia, and industry meet helps establish close bilateral relations," he said. "Establishing a representative office of the University of Debrecen in the UAE would help achieve international objectives and bring the institution closer to the many international academic events and gatherings that take place there. Additionally, it would enable collaboration with international institutions already present in the various academic zones in the Emirates. The opportunities are endless.” the Ambassador elaborated.


The Power of Higher Education

The ambassador spoke about the UAE's commitment to education and noted its potential, stating, "Quality higher education drives societal progress by fostering understanding and creating opportunities. Recognizing this and stepping onto the path of innovation has nurtured a prosperous nation that prepares young people for global challenges. Our success lies in enforcing traditional values such as respect, care, and the formation of mutually beneficial relationships. These values contribute to a safe, progressive environment welcoming over 200 nationalities, challenging ourselves and collectively striving for continuous improvement.

Timeless values such as helping others, enhancing prosperity, and improving the quality of life have always been essential for engineers and all those whose goal is to make the world safer and more peaceful. Engineering is about seizing opportunities and turning potential dangers into advantages. In our rapidly changing world, it is up to engineers to show that emerging fields like artificial intelligence or space exploration should be viewed not as threats but opportunities to innovate and lead.”


Promoting Knowledge Exchange Between Hungary and the United Arab Emirates

His Excellency highlighted the cultural and value-oriented similarities between Hungary and the United Arab Emirates, which help foster mutual understanding and cooperation. "We are more similar than we might think. We are proud of our identity, religion, and culture in both countries. Our roots are important, and just like us, most Hungarians spend their lives in the same city, near their extended family, where they were born. I live in the Neumann House, which reminds me daily that Hungarians are hardworking, creative people with a rich history who have contributed many great things to bettering humanity. When students come here from the Emirates, they discover a fascinating intellectual heritage. I live in Hungary, and I even spend my vacations here. We should talk more about what Hungary represents and what it can offer to the world.” 

The ambassador, with his analytical engineering mindset that aids in swift tangible results and his passion for coding in his leisure, expressed his deep admiration for the University of Debrecen's educational, research, and innovation activities. He particularly highlighted the significant number of international students and the extensive network of industrial partnerships, underscoring the university's global reach and impact. At the conclusion of the meeting, the parties agreed to continue their collaboration and develop specific cooperative projects.




Last update: 2024. 05. 28. 10:38