Information about the program (Environmental Engineering MSc)

Name of training programme:

Environmental Engineering Master’s program


Environmental Technology, Planning, Construction

Built Environment



Program length

4 semesters

Responsible for the training

János Tamás PhD, Full Professor

Responsible for the specialization


Environmental Technology, Planning, Construction

János Tamás PhD, Full Professor

Built Environment

Ildikó Bodnár PhD College Professor

Credits total

120 credits

Professional competencies to be acquired

a) knowledge

  • He/she knows and applies scientific and engineering theory and practice in the field of environmental engineering.
  • He/she has acquired the comprehensive knowledge of measurement techniques and measurement theory.
  • He/she knows and applies the procedures of environmental protection (operations, equipment, devices) and remediation methods.
  • He/she knows the operation, the units of environmental premises (especially water and water treatment plants, hazardous and communal landfill sites, incinerator plants) and the possibility to be developed.
  • He/she knows and applies the rules of carrying out an environmental impact assessment, an environmental engineering documentation.
  • He/she knows the organisational and motivational devices related to management and methods, laws required to pursue the profession.
  • He/she knows and applies the methods and tools of environmental informatics and modelling in a complex manner.
  • He/she knows the fundamentals, the boundaries and requirements of the professional fields of work and fire safety, safety, information technology, law, economics and management related to environmental engineering..
  • He/she knows the promotional and opinion-forming methods in the field of environmental engineering. 

b) abilities

  • He/she is capable to apply his/her acquired general and specific principles, rules, interrelations, procedures of mathematics, natural and social sciences to solving environmental problems. 
  • He/she is able to carry out publication and negotiations in his/her mother tongue and at least a second language (English) in his/her professional field.
  • He/she is able to achieve tasks in leadership and consultancy.  
  • He/she is able to achieve tasks in international or cross-border projects and to present his/her test results, elaborated design documentation at social and professional forums.
  • Carrying out his/her work he/she will study the possible objectives in research, development and innovation and he/she will endeavour to implement them.
  • He/she is able to complex design, implement and maintain the occurring engineering interventions in the fields of soil, geological formation, water, air, noise and vibration protection, ecosystem protection, remediation and waste reduction, treatment and recycling.
  • He/she is able to arrange and implement environmental sample taking, complex laboratory tests and analyses, application of monitoring systems, evaluation and documentation of test results.
  • He/she is able to apply damage control methods in a complex manner, to prepare and coordinate damage control.
  • He/she is able to plan and implement environmental impact assessment and to set up a plan for carrying out an impact study and to manage it.
  • He/she is able to apply integrated knowledge in the field of environmental equipment, processes, technologies and in the related areas of electronics and informatics. 
  • He/she is able to model, operate and control environmental engineering systems and processes.
  • He/she is able to design, introduce and operate environmental management systems.
  • He/she is able to carry out analyses, surveys, audits, to purpose and actions.
  • He/she is able to carry out energy efficiency analyses, surveys, audits, to purpose actions and to support their implementation.
  • He/she is able to arrange and carry out complex (environmental, economic, social) tasks. 

c) attitude 

  • He/she is open and receptive for learning, accepting and credible mediation of professional, technological development and innovation in the field of environmental engineering.
  • He/she undertakes the professional and moral values of environmental engineering. 
  • He/she will endeavour to plan and implement all his/her tasks at a high professional level on his/her own or in a team.
  • He/she will endeavour to work on the basis of system approach and process-oriented thinking with complex approach.
  • He/she will endeavour to develop both his/her own and his/her colleagues knowledge through continuation trainings.
  • He/she is determined to work at a high professional level and he/she endeavours to convey this approach to his/her colleagues too.  
  • He/she will share his/her experience with his/her colleagues to promote their development.

d) autonomy and responsibility 

  • He/she is able to provide environmental engineering tasks on his/her own. He/she makes decision carefully discussing them with other experts (primarily with experts in law, economics, energetics), and he/she takes overall responsibility for them.
  • In his/her decision making he/she respects the regulations of workplace health, safety, engineering, economics and law and the fundamental principles of engineering ethics.
  • He/she will take a pro-active role in solving environmental problems, he/she will identify the faults of the applied technology, the risks of the processes and will initiate the actions to reduce them. 
  • He/she will share his/her acquired knowledge and experience with other experts working in his/her field through formal or informal information transfer.  
  • He/she will respect his/her subordinated colleagues’ efforts, he/she will promote his/her professional development sharing with them his/her critical remarks, he/she will raise his colleagues and subordinates to responsible and moral professional work.
  • He/she will take account of the legal, technical, technological changes in the professional field.  
Last update: 2022. 07. 22. 13:39